Sunday, July 7, 2013


For some reason I am toooootally blanking on the day, but we went to Chicago for two days a week ago. It was so stressful, but it was still fun. Ava was kind of a pill, but for most of the trip she was awesome! I was so proud of her. Here's Jr with the stroller. We went to the Shedd Aquarium downtown and had to wait in line forever. It was fun though.

We also went to Navy Pier. It was so gorgeous!

There's this little stained glass museum at Navy Pier, and we kind of stumbled upon it, but I'm so glad we did. I was absolutely in awe of these magnificent pieces of art. I also loved how religious it was. I definitely felt the Spirit there.

Well, I'll spare you all of the hairy details. It was a relatively uneventful trip, which I'm happy about.