So basically, I've hit an all time low. I am 5'7 and I currently weigh 142 pounds. Now, I'm not saying that people this height and weight are overweight at all. But for me, it is overweight. I have a very awkward body. It's half apple/half pear shaped. I (normally) have a slim waist and larger hips. I attribute this to my vaguely Middle Eastern background (lol!). Whenever I gain weight now, postpartum that is, it goes straight to my belly/love handles. What the heck is up with that? So weird. It used to go to my butt and thighs. Anyway, I'm at a complete loss here. I breastfeed, so I need tons of calories per day. So working out doesn't necessarily go well with that. When I work out now, I have to make up for the calories I burned. So in essence, it's useless. Granted it's always good to do cardio and keep your heart strong and healthy.
I have never been unhappy about my body. I've always managed to find some sort of beauty in my body. I can't seem to do that now. I mean, I am so so proud of my body for creating and carrying my lovely child. But at the same time, I hate the way it looks now. I do think that part of it comes from society and the media. I'm sure you've seen all the billboards and commercials for perfumes and clothes. The models are literally so tiny! Forever 21 is one of these companies.
Now, I absolutely adore their clothes. They're decent quality, adorable, and super affordable. When you go to their website and look at clothes, it shows the models "stats" so to speak. It shows her bust size, waist size, and hip size. I mean, these models are absolutely fat-free. Their bellies are flat and toned, not to mention tan. Of course Photoshop has a role in this. But you can't really fake bellies like that. Anyway, I'm just ranting here. I am not really happy with my body, but there's not much to do about it at the moment. If any of you (my readers-whoever you lovely people are) have any tips or advice on losing weight while breastfeeding, or even just advice on how to accept the jiggly postpartum body, feel free to comment below!