Thursday, September 19, 2013


I seriously need to start posting on here more regularly! I doubt I have any readers, but still. Even if I have just one, I need to give updates on my life! Alrighty. SO, I started A&P on August 14th. It's now September 19th and it's been relatively easy so far. And by that I mean, it's been easy compared to building a jet engine by hand. Maybe not THAT hard, but it's definitely not easy. But so far I have definitely enjoyed the challenge! I currently have a 96%. YAY! But don't get too jealous. My professor (bless his heart) curved our first exam. What always screws me up is the content on the quizzes. We have to study about 3 chapters for every quiz we have. We never know what exactly is on the quiz, so we basically just have to have the three chapters memorized. For example, I took my Tissues quiz today and scored a 14/20. ICK. I had all the epithelial and most of the connective tissues memorized, and the majority of the questions ended up being about connective tissue. Anyway, sorry for the rant. I really love the class overall. It's absolutely fascinating to me. If there were more careers based around it specifically, I'd definitely get a degree in Physiology. I just can't stand the thought of being a professor. But who knows! Either way, I love it.

School difficulties aside, things are okay. Not great, not bad. We just seem to be in a lull. But I'm not too worried, because I know it's common in this stage of life and I know it won't last forever. It's actually a bit of an 'exciting' lull if you will. Although school is tiring and demanding, and making ends meet is a struggle all on it's own, I know that all this effort and time will be worth it in the long run.

Little Miss Ava Rose is 7 months old! She is doing wonderfully. She is a proficient crawler and is officially into everything. I love it! She is just getting more amazing and beautiful by the day.
All this work that Junior and I are doing is for her, and of course our future children. Which brings me to my next topic.


But not right now. Although I'd really love another one right now, lol. It's just not realistic. However, we are planning on having another one as soon as we can!

Well, I think that's all for now. I'm sure I'll think of something else to blog about in about 10 minutes.

Happy trails!